設計模式 - Observer Pattern 觀察者模式
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| class YoutubeChannel { private $Notifications = [];
public function attach($Notification) { $this->Notifications[] = $Notification; }
public function detach($Notification) { foreach ($this->Notifications as $key => $notification) { if ($notification->getNotificationId() == $Notification->getNotificationId()) { array_splice($this->Notifications, $key, 1); } } }
public function getNotifications(): array { return $this->Notifications; }
public function notify(): array { $notification_console = []; foreach ($this->Notifications as $notification) { $notification_console[] = $notification->update(); } return $notification_console; } }
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| class Mail { private $NotificationId;
public function __construct(int $AccountId) { $this->setNotificationId($AccountId); }
public function getNotificationId(): int { return $this->NotificationId; }
public function setNotificationId($NotificationId) { $this->NotificationId = $NotificationId; }
public function update(): string { return 'NotificationID=' . $this->getNotificationId() . '+信件通知'; } }
class Bells { private $NotificationId;
public function __construct(int $AccountId) { $this->setNotificationId($AccountId); }
public function getNotificationId(): int { return $this->NotificationId; }
public function setNotificationId($NotificationId) { $this->NotificationId = $NotificationId; }
public function update(): string { return 'NotificationID=' . $this->getNotificationId() . '+鈴鐺通知'; } }
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| $SomeOnesChannel = new YoutubeChannel(); $Bells = new Bells(1); $Mail = new Mail(2); $SomeOnesChannel->attach($Bells); $SomeOnesChannel->attach($Mail); $Notifications = $SomeOnesChannel->notify();

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class Mail{ {field} - NotificationId : int {method} + __construct(int $AccountId) : void {method} + getNotificationId() : int {method} + setNotificationId() : void {method} + update() : void }
class Bells{ {field} - NotificationId : int {method} + __construct(int $AccountId) : void {method} + getNotificationId() : int {method} + setNotificationId() : void {method} + update() : void }
class YoutubeChannel{ {field} - Notifications : array {method} + attach($Notification) : void {method} + detach($Notification) : void {method} + notify() : array {method} + getNotifications() : array
YoutubeChannel -down-> Mail : notify(update) YoutubeChannel -down-> Bells : notify(update)
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| interface ISubject { public function attach(IObserver $Notifications);
public function detach(IObserver $Notification);
public function notify(): array; }
class YoutubeChannel implements ISubject { private $Notifications = [];
public function attach(IObserver $Notification) { $this->Notifications[] = $Notification; }
public function detach(IObserver $Notification) { foreach ($this->Notifications as $key => $notification) { if ($notification->getNotificationId() == $Notification->getNotificationId()) { array_splice($this->Notifications, $key, 1); } } }
public function getNotifications(): array { return $this->Notifications; }
public function notify(): array { $notification_console = []; foreach ($this->Notifications as $notification) { $notification_console[] = $notification->update(); } return $notification_console; } }
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| interface IObserver { public function update(): string; }
class Mail implements IObserver { private $NotificationId;
public function __construct(int $AccountId) { $this->setNotificationId($AccountId); }
public function getNotificationId(): int { return $this->NotificationId; }
public function setNotificationId($NotificationId) { $this->NotificationId = $NotificationId; }
public function update(): string { return 'NotificationID=' . $this->getNotificationId() . '+信件通知'; } }
class Bells implements IObserver { private $NotificationId;
public function __construct(int $AccountId) { $this->setNotificationId($AccountId); }
public function getNotificationId(): int { return $this->NotificationId; }
public function setNotificationId($NotificationId) { $this->NotificationId = $NotificationId; }
public function update(): string { return 'NotificationID=' . $this->getNotificationId() . '+鈴鐺通知'; } }

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interface IObserver{ {method} + update() : void }
class Mail{ {field} - NotificationId : int {method} + __construct(int $AccountId) : void {method} + getNotificationId() : int {method} + setNotificationId() : void {method} + update() : void }
class Bells{ {field} - NotificationId : int {method} + __construct(int $AccountId) : void {method} + getNotificationId() : int {method} + setNotificationId() : void {method} + update() : void }
interface ISubject{ {method} + attach(IObserver $Notification) : void {method} + detach(IObserver $Notification) : void {method} + notify() : array }
class YoutubeChannel{ {field} - Notifications : array {method} + attach(IObserver $Notification) : void {method} + detach(IObserver $Notification) : void {method} + notify() : array {method} + getNotifications() : array }
Bells .up.|> IObserver Mail .up.|> IObserver YoutubeChannel .up.|> ISubject
ISubject -right-> IObserver : notify(update)
- 想要在一個物件的狀態改變時通知很多相關物件的時候
- 某一個物件有變化時,對應物件也得跟著改變,但事先又不知道對應的物件要做的改變有多少時
- 當物件必須能夠通知其他的物件,但又不能假設後者是誰

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interface IObserver{ {method} + update() } note right of IObserver : ISubscribe
interface ISubject{ {method} + attach(IObserver Observer) {method} + detach(IObserver Observer) {method} + notify() } note left of ISubject : IPublish
class Observer{ {method} + update() } note bottom of Observer : Subscriber
class Subject{ {method} + attach() {method} + detach() {method} + notify() } note bottom of Subject : Publisher
ISubject -right-> IObserver : Notify(update) Subject .up.|> ISubject Observer .up.|> IObserver @enduml
- 這樣的類別關係遵守開放封閉原則,加入新的訂閱者並不會修改到發布者(反之亦然)
- 可以在程式運行的時候才動態的去構築類別間的依賴關係,且隨時可以解除
- Observer與Subject之間的耦合為抽象的、較微弱
- 接收過多額外通知
- 由於Observer互相獨立,如果我們要改變Subject的話,有可能因為改變而影響到數個Observer以及其相依的動作,而導致錯誤難以追查
事實上,在PHP的Library中有提供一組可以實現Observer Pattern的Interface
Angular with RxJS
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| import { from } from 'rxjs';
const data = from(fetch('/api/endpoint'));
data.subscribe({ next(response) { console.log(response); }, error(err) { console.error('Error: ' + err); }, complete() { console.log('Completed'); } });

Plant UML
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class Observable{
{method} + subscribe(Observer observer)
{method} + SomeFunctionToCall_next()
class observer{
{method} + next()
{method} + error()
{method} + complete()
interface Observer{
{method} + next()
{method} + error()
{method} + complete()
Observable -right-> Observer : call next() to update
observer .up.|> Observer : implements